Greece Taxi Travel

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Apostle Tours

'Go Where Apostles Walked'


Telephone 210.93. 42 222

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Visit  the ancient church ruins established by the

Apostle St Paul

The book of Acts, Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus & Philemon will come to life as you follow in the footsteps of the early church’s greatest missionaries.

We are knowledgeable about the places where St. Paul the Apostle and others walked. With more than 25 years of experience of providing a taxi-guide service to tourists around the world, we offer Christian Drivers who are polite, honest, patient. We speak excellent English and of course, Greek to.

'We can customize your plan to meet your needs'

As you travel you will discover how the apostles lived and worked. Walk and reflect on what it must of been like for them.

Visit Athens

See Athens as Paul did, the Hill of Areopagus (Mars Hill, where he delivered his famous speech).

Ancient Corinth

About 1 hour and 15 minutes drive from Athens.

The site was first inhabited in the Neolithic period (5000-3000 B.C). Corinth, the capital of the province of Achaia, was a city of social, cultural, and religious diversity, including Jews.

The Jewish people living there, were more cosmopolitan and multicultural. St. Paul's visit came at a significant time for mission work.

When St Paul arrived he met with Jewish refugees, Aquila and Priscilla from Rome. Aquila and Priscilla, who supported St Paul's missionary work and became key leaders of the young Christian church (Acts 18: 1-12, 1 Corinthians 16:19).

St Paul stayed in Corinth for about 18 months, 51-52 AD.  He tried to reform the citizen's ways, which was met with trials and tribulations, recorded in his 2 letters to the Corinthians (1 & 2 Corinthians).

Ancient Corinth played a major role in the missionary work of St Paul the Apostle. See the Corinth Canal which has been cut through the isthmus since St Paul crossed over.

Visit the museum which contains many artifacts from Corinth.

A visit to Ancient Corinth, Acrocorinth, the Canal, Mycenae, Nafplion and Epidaurus takes about 10 hours.

Visit Phillipi

The book of the Philippians begins 'to all the Saints in Christ Jesus that are at Philippi' (Philippians 1:1). The city may have the home of St Luke who traveled with Paul on occasion. Archaeological work has revealed a large and well-preserved forum, a theatre, the jail of Paul and many Byzantine churches.

Visit Thessalonica-Kavala

In 54 AD the city was visited twice by St Paul, the Apostle and the first Christian community was founded.  Where St Paul, accompanied Silas, Luke and Timothy.

There are many archaeological sites to see Greece's 2nd major economic, commercial and political capital and founded in 315 B.C. St Paul with Silas and Timothy came to here from Phillippi on his 2nd missionary journey.

Visit Delphi

There is no doubt Paul would have known about Delphi.  We will take you through the scenic mountain terrain to Delphi, once thought to be the navel of the world. Pilgrims from the ancient world came to consult with the mysterious oracle.

Driving from Athens on a scenic road you will visit the temple of Apollo. There you will visit the museum of Delphi featuring the athlete Aghias and the statue of the Bronze Charioteer, Iniochos.

While in Dephi you will see the springs of Castallia, known to offer those who visit a chance for eternal youth. The Museum of Delphi is an absolute must see.

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